Thursday, December 02, 2010

The Six Second Kiss

and more from Jani Ortlund today...

yay for the six second kiss!!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Loving Your Husband

A few years ago, I hear Jani Ortlund speak at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary where my husband is a PhD student. Her talk resonated in my heart and mind that night and still does especially in times like this...

See we in the West family are in what we call maintenance mode. game time. barely making it.

People, it is the END OF THE SEMESTER!

Ryan has papers due that are longer than anything I have ever written for any degree program all put together. The research is intense. His desk has about 220 books stacked on top of it. And after a near computer CRASH (noooooooo!!!!!!) He is completing the last paper of the semester!! WOOT!

So, during these times I am reminded of what the wise woman, Mrs Ortlund said... It went something like this...

When your husband is away, working late, in a meeting, in a class from NINE AM til NINE PM!!!, insert your husbands job/meetings here, where do you think he wants to be? He wants to be at HOME with you!

When it is dinner time and you are surrounded by little faces, where you do you think your tired and hungry husband would rather be? At HOME with you and your sweet children, of course!

SO will I slam down the casserole dish and tell my kids that my life would be so much easier if Daddy were home OR do I lead them to pray for him and understand that there is no place he would rather be than with us? BUT for now he is in class, working hard for the Lord, doing what God has given him to do!

So tonight when you and I are tempted to despair, pray for your husband.